Not Easily Broken

It’s Three Cords Strong!

Well, hello again friends and fellow readers. Yes, it’s me back to share another nugget to encourage you. Who is your best friend, or maybe you have more than one? How much do you trust them with?

Ecclesiastes 4:12 distinctly says, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Man was not meant to dwell alone, although many of us often find ourselves in that position whether by choice or by circumstance.

When God had completed the creation of the world, He looked around at all that He had made and said, “I’m lonely still.” So, after considerable thought, He said: “I’ll make me a man. Then from the clay of the ground He toiled until He shaped an image of Himself and blew life into it. Now He had companionship. Then God looked at man and said that it was not good for man to be alone, and so He created him a helper. One to stand and walk beside him.

As He left the couple to tend the garden, the unlikely happened, or was it. Into their midst came a fourth party, a distraction that put a rift in the relationship. It was a relationship that was fractured, but not broken. For you see, God had an answer for this thing called sin that had creeped in. Whenever we have a strong bond with someone, it it hard to break that tie. Oh, it can be done but it will take some work. It will call for unyielding choices to be made. That’s how sin is. It comes into our union with God and starts gnawing away at the bond, but if we stand on the foundation we won’t yield to the temptation. But God’s word tells us that we are never alone, because He’s always with us. When adversity comes we are secure, because God has given us friends here on the earth to hook up with.

Depression often makes us want to be alone, but we can’t do it on our own. That’s why God made friends. If He was lonely and made himself a companion, why would we think that we could survive alone? So he toiled over a lump of clay until he shaped it in his image, and blew into it the breath of life and man became a living soul.

I’m so excited to know that it would take a mountain to sever the intertwined cord of three strands. Tie the cord around your waist so that when you’re pulled to the end it will be hard to pull you over. You my dear friends have the Lord on your side of the tug-of-war. Hold close your friend and feel the Presence of God. You, your friend, and God. It can’t get any stronger.

A short prayer that I saw kind of sums it up!

“Lord, thank You for friends and family, those whom You have placed in my life to bring greater increase, help in times of trouble, and warmth in times of cold loneliness. Help me to be a friend as well as receive friendship.”

Alright my friends, well that’s all for now! We’ll talk again later. In the meantime, you are wishes much love, joy, peace, and blessings. ~Barbara G


Depression the Silent Emotion!


You Said What?! “Yes?”