Depression the Silent Emotion!

Things Are Not Always as They Appears

How is your mental health? Are you struggling with your inner critic? Feeling depressed? Don’t know if you should cry or laugh? I get it. I have been there. Depression has been something that I have kept to myself for a VERY long time. Do you know the saying, “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind.” The person with the biggest smile is probably going through much more than you realize. That person was me. (Just look at the picture above)

I am not telling you this for sympathy. I am telling you this because it is taboo. Why? Why aren’t we talking about this? It is NOT shameful; however, people make it out like it is, so we don’t talk about it. Do you know who can help you out of this mental health/depression struggle? YOU!!! Only YOU can do this for yourself! You know how I know? Because I did. This is how I emerged myself in being a powerful coach. The experiences that I have gone through have molded me into who I am today. Want to know more? Reach out. Let’s talk. I am here for you. Do NOT go through this alone!

The above is a post I did in March 2021 on LinkedIn. This took me WAY out of my comfort zone as I hadn’t publicly told anyone this before. I had only been posting once a week since October 2020 on LinkedIn and I just started to post twice a week in March 2021.

Fast forward to July 2023…

Mental health is a topic very near and dear to my heart. As someone who has had depression for a very longtime, I have taken the time, within the last six years, to really dive deep into what caused my depression. When we don’t heal from whatever energy that is suppressing within us, we take it with us no matter where we go in our personal and professional areas of our life.

Do you know the saying, “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.” That was me. I always had a smile on my face, however, deep down, I was struggling.

It wasn’t until several years ago when I invested in an international coaching program that helped me lower my walls, open up about my insecurities and depression and finally speak freely about what had been weighing me down for 30+ years.

It wasn’t the program that helped me, it was the people in the program from all walks of life from around the world that allowed me to recognize the power within me to heal myself. Talk about finally feeling free and stepping into my authentic self. When you do this, you will find peace and love from within. I know as I have been there and done the inner work.

EMPLOYERS! PLEASE treat employees with care especially when you see that someone is struggling. Show genuine concern. Ask if they would like to speak to someone about what they are experiencing. Don’t judge! There are reasons behind behaviors.

I am an advocate for mental health. I welcome a chance to partner with employers, support groups, speaking engagements, etc. and share how I have overcame depression. I do not want people to feel isolated and alone about this not knowing who to talk to.

Life is too short to just exist. We need to be living life to the fullest each and every day. I was catching up with a dear friend the other day and we were talking about the word “transformation” and “Transformational Coach”. She said that this seems to be the new buzzword of late. I told her that I had been using “transformation” for over two years due to my own transformational journey.

Briefly my journey came about as follows. I started out as a career coach due to my own career transition. My next step was to invest in an international coaching program. Actually, the people in the program proved to be the greatest asset, even more than the program itself. The co-founders asked me to be spotlighted at the end of March of 2021, which was a lifechanging and confidence building for me. Before this spotlight, people were telling me, “Michelle, you are more than a Career Coach.” Although, I knew that was true; I wasn’t sure what that was UNTIL I listened to the spotlight recording the day after it was recorded.

Even though I am not about titles and labels; consideration must be taken that we live in a society that is about labels and titles. This is when I changed my title from Career Coach to Transformational Coach. I DID the work and went through it all (still a work in progress), however, I walk my talk.

Career coaching was the first logical step for me because I went through an extensive career transition journey myself. I love helping people and at that time, that is where my confidence was. Putting self-care first in addition to investing in myself, loving myself unconditionally, healing, forgiving, and being around like-minded people, helped me unbury myself. Once this was done I was able to re-discover my true authenticity allowing me to reacquaint myself to the person who has always been inside me. I had always been everyone else’s cheerleader but my own, however, I AM my biggest cheerleader now! That’s right for the last three years due to my own transformational journey and spiritual awakening, I cheer for me now.

Do you sometimes need something to hit you squarely in the face to realize your true potential? That is what happened to me. I have helped people my entire life both professionally and personally by coaching them through obstacles that they have come across, however, I wasn’t doing that myself and I am so happy to announce that today that is not the case. I have a better understanding of my worth and value of the gifts that I have to give. This knowing allows me to give to myself and than share with others because hey, you can’t pour from an empty cup!

Are you tired of existing and not living your life to your full potential? Are you stuck? Depressed? Don’t know who to talk to or where to turn? Contact me, looking forward to working with you!

(Note: I am still available to help you with your career needs. That is part of transformation too).

Thank you!


The Heart is More Powerful Than the Mind


Not Easily Broken