Without Warning

Most of us over the age of 40 have heard about, “The Silent Killer;” If you haven’t continue reading and make some notes about ways to avoid it.  The silent killer is also known as high blood pressure.  Receiving a diagnosis of hypertension or high blood pressure can be concerning and even a little scary. Believe it or not, those reactions could raise your blood pressure even higher.

With the world going through this current pandemic crisis, people are experiencing increased levels of stress which can result in health-related issues to include, hypertension or high blood pressure. So where do we turn? As various health related concerns continue mounting, we don’t want to lose sight of the silent killer, as it is a preventable disease that can be addressed by lifestyle changes and possibly taking medication.

Remember if you have been prescribed medication, making some lifestyle changes may allow you to eventually come off some of those medications. That within itself is definitely something to think about.

Here are a few ideas that could make a world of different to your overall good health and wellbeing as it speaks to high blood pressure.

LOSE SOME EXCESS WEIGHT.  I know so many of my friends that have talked about losing weight for years but always find ways for talking themselves out of it.  Bear in mind that by losing a few pounds it can help lower your blood pressure.

GET AND STAY ACTIVE.   There are far too many couch potatoes out there these days.  Keep in mind that when you exercise your heart it helps your body to become more efficient at utilizing oxygen. It’s as simple as that, when your heart isn’t struggling to pump blood, it can result in lowering blood pressure.  In about a few weeks of exercise you will see the numbers start to drop. 

EAT HEALTHY.  Fast foods are not healthy foods.  Eating healthy foods can help you lose weight.  Certain food like whole grains, low-fat dairy products and fresh fruits and vegetables directly impact blood pressure. The more colors on your meal plate the better. The farmer’s market is a great place to start for healthy ingredients. You can even get some exercise as you run pass the kettle corn stand.

CUT BACK ON SALT.  I read that one teaspoon of salt contains 2,400 mg of sodium.  It is very important to pay attention to the sodium levels in everything you eat.  Cutting back on your sodium intake can also help in lowering you blood pressure.

CUTTING BACK ON ALCOHOL CONSUMTION.  Generally, you will hear a variety of opinions about the effects of alcohol on blood pressure and overall health. 

Regardless of what study or report you read, too much alcohol will have a negative impact on your blood pressure, not to mention the negative impact on your liver and your general health. 

SMOKING.  What can I say that has not been said before about quitting smoking?  Quit smoking.  It has a very bad effect on your health, and it has a very negative impact on blood pressure.  Weather you stop cold turkey, wean off slowly or enlist the help of a friend, find what works for you and quit smoking.

CAFFEINE INTAKE.  Some studies suggest that caffeine has no effect on blood pressure.  Some studies and research suggest the intake of caffeine is associated with increased incidence of high blood pressure in individuals who consume more than 2 cups per day.  The theory is that caffeine tightens the blood vessels, which elevates stress levels and send blood pressure skyrocketing over a period of time.  This doesn’t mean you have to give up coffee, just consider replacing coffee and any other caffeinated beverages for their non-caffeinated counterparts. H2O or water is a very good substitute to consider.

RELAX AND MEDITATE.  There are many different types of meditation.  Tai Chi has often been referred to as moving meditation.  When it comes to lowering blood pressure it doesn’t matter which type of meditation you choose, the main goal is to engage in deep breathing exercises that reduce stress and invoke an overall calming and relaxing effect on the body.  Keep in mind, lowering stress hormone levels is a key factor in lowering blood pressure.

DEEP BREATHING EXERCISES help to release tension in the muscles, reduce negative thoughts and emotions while calming both the mind and body.  For many this has worked and provided a positive effect on high blood pressure.

REGULAR CHECK-UPS.  If you are taking blood pressure lowering medication, the dosage may need to be lowered or even discontinued, as you incorporate healthy lifestyle and dietary changes. So follow-up with your doctor on a regular basis.

CLASSICAL MUSIC.  That’s right.  Classical music.  Similar to meditation Tai Ci and Qi Gong, listening to classical music can have a calming effect that can help to lower high blood pressure.  Classical music can help ease tension and reduce stress.  It can be used alone or combined with meditation and deep breathings techniques.

The bottom line is this:  there are non-evasive means to lowering high blood pressure find out what can work for you and do it. Let’s strike first by being proactive when it come to our health because the silent killer can strike without warning. To your continued good health. Master Woody.          


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